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XRF has provided this Internet Web site as a general information service. XRF is not responsible for any error, omission, misrepresentation, or misstatement contained in these pages. Any information is provided as general information only.  Product information is also provided as general information. It is not a substitute for user manuals or other documentation supplied with XRF products nor a substitute for advice from a qualified tradesperson, chemist or engineer. The products described on this Web site may not be available in all countries. In particular, when there are different part numbers for a product. Product specifications may change without notice. XRF does not endorse any linked site. The whole of the contents on this Web site is the subject of copyright owned or licensed by XRF. All rights are reserved, and any unauthorized copying, storage, or reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited by the copyright owner. The downloading of this material by any organization involved in the commercial sale or other dealing in the products described other than by authorized distributors is prohibited.